
Monday, August 23, 2010

Kegan's Magical Place

Hmmm...the days just seem to literally "fly by" these days.  Nothing too exciting going on...just trying to get caught up on some chores, get ready for our upcoming trip, and keep up with the day to day grind.  We did manage to get some golf in and are enjoying the new golf cart we got for our anniversary (well, new to us's actually about 30 years old, believe it or not, but it's still in pretty good shape and gets the job done as far as getting around).   Keith and our nephew Jon, along with his son Zach, are coming by in the morning to play a round of golf at Sundance so I'll try and get some pics of them as well as the golf cart.

Did I mention that DH and I will be flying to Omaha, Nebraska real soon to attend Jasmine's wedding?  Jasmine is the daughter of some very dear friends who, incidentally, made this trip possible.  We're really looking forward to staying with our dear friends, Dan and Chris, and being able to share in their excitement, joy and being a part of all the festivities.  I hope I don't embarass myself too much at the wedding by crying my eyes out (yea, I'm such a, but weddings are always such a happy celebration.

I  finished some scrap layouts and I'll try to get some of them posted as soon as I can get them resized.  Here's another fantasy one of Kegan.  Give him any kind of tree to climb and he's definitely up for the challenge.
credits:  Where Dreams Begin by Createwings Design at A5D.

1 comment:

  1. Your pages are really gorgeous Ann! I loved visiting your blog! It was also really nice to see that I was listed under your favorite blogs... Wow that made my day! I'm so happy you emailed me too! Thank you very much for your kindness I wish you a fantastic day!

    Createwings Designs
