
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Kegan, So What's The Story?

DH is playing in a golf tournament this morning so....yeaaah, this is my alone time to peruse the digiworld for wonderful stuff.  And wonderful it is--I just came across this wonderful kit entitled "Where Dreams Begin" from the very talented artist of Createwings Designs at A5D.  Of course, I had to scrap something with it immediately and Kegan seemed to be the perfect subject for this story.

Now it's time to get myself in gear (which means, get out of my pj' showered and dressed) and meet my DH.  He should have finished the golf tourney by now and we're supposed to meet up with Keith and Judy and a couple others to see our dear Arizona Cardinals play football at the University of Phoenix Stadium.  It is the Cardinals pre-season opener and should be loads of fun....toodles.

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