
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First Post - Hooray!

Welcome family and friends. In the interest of attempting to stay semi-current with new ways of communicating and new technology out there, I thought I'd start a blog to share my newest passion for digital scrapbooking as a creative outlet. Yes, I know...blogs have been around for quite some time and it's taken me a while to get on board--but I'm here and this 'old' chicky is trying! I like the idea of digital scrapbooking because I can store all the scrap elements, papers, and other supplies digitally on a large hard drive. It offers so much more flexibility and cost effectiveness to be able to reuse and customize supplies. Plus, it's much neater that way especially since I certainly don't have the storage space in my home nor the motivation to organize and work with all the paper supplies.

I hope to use this blog to also share and document some of the events in our family's lives; some large, most NOT so large.

I don't know how active and/or dedicated I will be about posting blog entries as (I hate to admit it) I never was very good about sticking to a project for the long haul, but I'll try. After much reflection, I found that what I do enjoy most is the the learning and creative process that goes into getting something started, i.e. this blog. Therefore, if you're so inclined, then join me, kick back and let's see what happens and where this goes...

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