
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Birthday Outing

Ha! Wouldn't you know it? My birthday has come around again. Tomorrow I'll be celebrating another one. I certainly don't feel any older, however, they seem to be arriving much quicker these days along with a few more pounds, a few more wrinkles, etc. It really doesn't make any sense to fret about it, so....hmmm, where is that stash of dark chocolate?

Last Saturday my sis, my son and yours truly got together for a wonderful breakfast at Mimi's on the east side of Scottsdale. All three of us have birthdays within a few weeks of each other so we had a little gift exchange and decided to see a movie afterwards. The movie we saw was "Solitary Man" starring Michael Douglas. What a hoot! I didn't know a thing about it beforehand but it turned out to be about ageing and how life has a way of catching up with you. Perfect for a birthday celebration, don't you think? Anyhow, it was lots of giggles and reminded us of different people we've known in real life!

Okay, now I have to share with you the precious little bracelet and necklace my sis gave me. The necklace has a different design on each side and says, "One Family, Many Hearts." Absolutely adorable and a very thoughtful and meaningful gift.

Doodle Photo Border by GlamFairy Designs at After5Designs


  1. Hey Ann,
    Yes indeed, it was a FUN birthday celebration! Love the new playground, kudos for a job well done. Of course you always were the artsy one in the family. Thx again for the beautiful scrapbook photos, they are VERY unique! I look forward to many future visits here. Keep up the good work and take care.
    Luv ya,

  2. Thanks for the encouragement Terri! Glad to see you've come to visit the playground. Hope to make future visits worthwhile.

    xxoo Ann
